All of the portfolio photographs on this website are offered in several sizes. I print each one on Epson printers, using archival inks and fine art, matte paper, and include documentation.
There is also a large selecton of images, including my work in the mining and petroleum industries, for use in publications and for special projects.
Please contact me for more information and prices. Thank you.

Photographs by Susan Turner, edited and with an introduction by David Wing
Futura Press 2003
37 duotone reproductions
Paperback USD20, plus shipping
Susan Turner has spent fourteen of the past twenty years living in Papua New Guinea, a country just past the threshold which separates rare traditional ways of life from the outer world. Living as she has among the indigenous people, her view is much more from the inside than from the outside.
These photographs reach far beyond a visitor’s curiosity or a researchers ethnography as Turner’s subjects become gracious and natural collaborators. These tender yet authoritative photographs show remarkable original people at their work as hunters, gatherers, and farmers, sharing the hope and persistence that are at the center of their lives.
David Wing, 2003

Text by Nick Araho and Mark Busse. Photographs by Susan Turner
A Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery publication, 1993
96 pages and 107 photographs
Casebound USD38, plus shipping
In the 1980s, oil was discovered near Lake Kutubu in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Following the completion of a pipeline from the oil field to a marine terminal in the Gulf of Papua in 1992, the Kutubu Petroleum Development Project became the country’s first oil producer.
This book offers a picture of daily life in the project area during 1991 and 1992. A consideration of the changing meanings that objects and customs have for the local people give a sense of contemporary life, not only in the impact area, but in rural Papua New Guinea in general.
Please contact me for more information about the books and to order.
Thank you.